Hearts and Stuff

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Even though we're still recovering from the winter holiday blowout, there's yet another holiday in our midst again. And for some, it's the evilest one there is: Valentine's Day. Whether you love it, hate it, remain entirely neutral, are hoping for a shiny thing, or black hearts are more your pace, it's coming. And we only have a mere four weeks to brace and/or prepare for it.

What are your thoughts and feelings regarding Valentine's Day? Are you bracing, prepping, or a complex combination of both?

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8 // 9


  1. 9 Years removed from the day I asked you to marry me... Thanks for saying yes on the first try! V-day will always be a very special day to me... Love you

  2. So many hearts, so little time! This is lovely and happy! I normally hate Valentine's Day, but suddenly, with my lover getting ready to deploy I am really starting to want hearts and all that V-day jazz all over the place!



  3. Thanks!


  4. You are so sweet! Thanks for asking - what an easy answer! Love you.



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