Everything is Blue

Friday, May 27, 2016

Half day, I love you. My 3.5 day weekend is looking real good! And it couldn't come at a better time. It continues to be a wild season at work with major deadlines and pesky people. Don't even get me started!

This is one of my favorite pictures -- I can remember exactly how I was feeling in this moment. Last month, the sun decided to shine all weekend long and we spent both Saturday and Sunday in the salt, sand, and sun. A few days prior, it was an intense week AND I was called to jury duty (and finally excused from a three week trial!). It was the best end to the worst week. I'm convinced there's nothing better than a warm beach day with a picnic, juicy book, my love, waves, and good company. Well, maybe including an icy and salty margarita, but I digress. Weekend, we've got plans for you!  


Image is mine.



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