All Stitched Up

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

So. The great week I originally had in mind is kind of getting off to a rough start. Long story very short, I'm absolutely okay and completely healthy, but now have a super sexy set of stitches on my right eyebrow. That's what a fun day in the ER will get you. I'm on strict orders to rest, rest, and rest, (the husband and kitties are quite bossy!), so my goal this week is to, well, rest. And to eke out a few work days later this week if possible. Life has such a way of letting you know who's boss. Clearly, I'm not. While I'm not totally stoked on my new accessories, I know it could've been worse and am hoping the speedy skin gods get to it so I can get these bad boys out on Saturday. 

Here's to hoping for a better rest of the week. I won't tempt fate and ask what else could possibly go wrong. Because I don't want to know.

image via Virgina Belle


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