Let's Get Away

Friday, March 1, 2013

This weekend, we're having a mini getaway! Looks like it's shaping up for a bit of relaxation, exploring, sea glass hunting, and cookie baking. Also on the agenda is a fancy charity luncheon/fashion show with my mom and mother-in-law -- my late grandma attended every year and we have since made it our own tradition in tribute to her life, love, and memory. It's a bittersweet event -- more than anything, I just wish my grandma could be by my side and not just in my heart. But I'm so thankful for all the years we shared and will always cherish our memories. Grandmas are so special. 

Any special weekend plans? Hope it's all you dream and more. I don't know how March just decided to show up -- I was still feeling February. It's kind of bossy, that one. With its wind and all. Take time for you. And relax! 


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