Battle Scars

Friday, March 29, 2013

On Wednesday, my small family was given a little shock. Let's just say that there are many dangerous hobbies in this world -- surfing(hello, husband!), motorcycling, flame throwing, etc. Suffice to say, being a motorcyclist can be a very risky thing and my long-lost brother just had his wrist reconstructed with plates and pins. All things considered, he's okay and not okay all at once. Whatever he is, he's certainly very, very lucky. Here's to wishing him a healthy and speedy recovery. 

Accidents and life's trials have a way of putting things into perspective and often strike at the most inopportune times. Life is both long and short, and it's easy to take things for granted. Things like being known and being loved. Things like minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years on end of knowing and not knowing. Of saying and not saying. Of loving and hurting. And learning. I am learning about the learning. Right now, learning to let hurts go. Learning to really leave the past behind when you say you want to leave the past behind. And not drudging it up when it suits you. Saying and doing are two very different things. Just when you think you've left your hurts and wounds in the dear old dust, they somehow find their way back into the teensiest, hardest part of your heart. Those hurts somehow convince you that they'll protect you from everyone and everything. But they don't. These hurts do in fact hurt, but they end up hurting ourselves most of all. It's okay to care and let others know it. I don't want hurt in my heart anymore. And I don't want it to come back. So, I'm giving it the final heave-ho.

Here's to learning, loving, saying, doing, sowing seeds of love, surfing safely, and always wearing helmets. They truly save lives, as my big brother can attest. Have the safest weekend with those that you love.

The Main Thing

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

It's Wednesday. I thought we could all use this reminder. I sure do. Right now, my main thing is making it to Thursday at exactly 4:00pm. And then to sign up for a super dreamy class. While the main thing is the main thing, it's also the small things too. Someone may or may not have a few days off next week. I think a parade is in order. Or at least a dance-off. Whatever, I'm down.

image via 

Link Love

Friday, March 22, 2013

Hello. Hi. Hey. Hope you've had a great week. Mine has been busy, busy, and full of deadlines (and, if I'm honest, a bit of coconut ice cream!), but the weekend is in sight and I couldn't be a happier lady. I'm ready for date night, reading in bed, exploring, sea glass-hunting, and perhaps even farm-going. Here a few things making me happy lately. I'm convinced it's the little things. And, it seems, mostly Etsy things.

+  As a gem, mineral, and rock lover. I'm pretty much game for anything and everything. I think jewelry is in my blood. I've currently set my sights on this ethereal selenite crystal from JohnyRocks on Etsy. Not only beautiful and serene, but it apparently also helps one to discover their "inner truth." See, I need this. A game-changer.

+  I have always loved signs. Seriously, an embarrassing number of my photos include typography of some sort. It speaks to me. And so does this vintage, rustic metal sign. Right turn only. Got it.

+  I love kitties. Even when they're naughty. But this guy seems to gotten into some real bad stuff.

+  My love for mason jars know no bounds. And now, this: mason jar wrapping paper. Of course from Etsy. I'm doomed.

Greg Laswell's "Comes & Goes (In Waves)." I just can't get enough. And, he's married to my forever favorite, Ingrid Michaelson. What a pair. If they have kids, they will be bananas.

What are you loving lately? Happy weekend.

P.S. I've decided that this Spring Break business should be a mandatory holiday for everyone. Those school people are sure exclusive. Share the wealth, man!

image via Diana Keenan on Extragram

The 2:00AM Hangout

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ever since the time change last weekend, one of our little kitties, Taylor, has decided we should hangout at 2:00AM. Every. Morning. Seeing her sweet, shining face is my favorite, but at 2:00AM and just inches from my face -- sweetie, it will have to wait. Aren't kitties just the best and sweetest little things? Well, at least when they let you sleep? Otherwise, they are pretty darn persistent. I hear that about babies too, but I digress.

I love our dearhearts despite their nocturnal ways. But here's to hoping it's just a phase. What animal friends have claimed your heart -- because of or inspite of their little quirks and behaviors?

A Tale of Acai & Farmer's Market

Monday, March 18, 2013

Several weeks ago, a couple friends and I ventured out for a leisurely morning at our local farmer's market. First stop, of course, was breakfast. Acai bowls are our very favorite and so it was only right to start our day off with a delightful stop at Backyard Bowls. If you've never visited, you must! You'll never be the same. Bonding and commiserating over breakfast is a great way to start the day. The only way to go, actually.

Next stop, farmer's market. Since it's held several times throughout the week, and all in different locations, it took us a short bit to navigate our way. Suffice to say, it took three girls and three smartphones to find the way. Yes, for the very first time in our lives, we were that group of girls huddled together, all on our smartphones and completely silent. Based on the snickers from bypassers, we clearly were an amusement. I'm sure they thought we were texting each other. Glad we could provide the comic relief, but we were on a mission! Finally, destination reached and we were in love. The deepest love that one can have for fruits, veggies, etc., without having grown them ourselves. Sometimes, there's nothing better than walking down the street with beets, carrots, kale, chard, cilantro, and much more, sticking out every which way. Happy and content, we made our way back home.

Do you visit your local farmer's market? It's a game changer.

March Madness

Friday, March 15, 2013

This March Madness stuff is real. And it doesn't just apply to basketball. I feel like I've been getting a real butt-kicking lately -- the same old song and dance of too much to do in too little time. Wah wah, I know, but it's true. While I'm loving this Daylight Savings business, my body is still adjusting and is not so happy to see those mean, early mornings. In a few weeks, I'll be completely enamored, but March has its very own kind of magic that still has me craving a cozy hibernation of sorts.

It seems like the only "me" time lately is when I'm cooking dinner. Does that count? Whatever, I'll take it! To make it an all out party, I usually have one of my favorite movies on in the background. I finally watched The Family Stone the other night while laboring over a pistachio pesto, making our little feast. It's one of my favorites and has been waiting ever-so patiently in our DVR queue since December. While it's a holiday movie, I'm convinced that holiday movies are completely appropriate, refreshing, and fun at any time of year. Surely, I can't be the only one who indulges in a bit of White Christmas, bickering but loving families, and winter romances during the off-season months. Suffice to say, it made my night and very well might be the reason I make it to the weekend. That, and our Take-Out Thursday tradition last night. Hope you're hanging in there! We can do it. Boom.

Let's Get Away

Friday, March 1, 2013

This weekend, we're having a mini getaway! Looks like it's shaping up for a bit of relaxation, exploring, sea glass hunting, and cookie baking. Also on the agenda is a fancy charity luncheon/fashion show with my mom and mother-in-law -- my late grandma attended every year and we have since made it our own tradition in tribute to her life, love, and memory. It's a bittersweet event -- more than anything, I just wish my grandma could be by my side and not just in my heart. But I'm so thankful for all the years we shared and will always cherish our memories. Grandmas are so special. 

Any special weekend plans? Hope it's all you dream and more. I don't know how March just decided to show up -- I was still feeling February. It's kind of bossy, that one. With its wind and all. Take time for you. And relax!