Hi, It's Monday

Monday, January 28, 2013

Old Faithful Shop - Farmers Market Recap 
Hope you all had a lovely weekend! I sometimes wish my weekends looked like this. But they don't -- and that's okay. Had a cozy date night catching up on Gordon Ramsay's "Kitchen Nightmares" and National Geographic's stunning gem, "Africa." Spent a good portion cooking, cleaning, and running those pesky, endless errands. Attempted to finally finish my current read, watched a documentary, indulged in a beach walk/bluff hike (nearly slipped in the mud -- long story!), and scored a huge bag full of used books for $2! Used book sales at the library are awesome! You never know what you'll find.

How was your weekend? Too short, I know! Any special plans for the week ahead? Stay cozy wherever you are -- and out of the mud.

image via Breakfast at Zara's


  1. Friday nights are the best!!! ... "We're in the shit!"

  2. Yes, definitely! "Bollocks!"

  3. Kitchen Nightmares is definitely a good one! It makes my Sunday's that much better! ;)
    And this photograph is beautiful. If only life could always look this pretty and content!
    xo TJ

  4. Hi Tanya Jean! Yes, yes, and yes! I concur with you on all levels. Hope you're having a nice week! xo


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