Ode to My Oven

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Oh, oven. You're the best. Truly. You have tolerated my years of baking adventures with great aplomb and patience. You have been there, through thick and thin, to witness my baking successes and defeats. But mostly successes, right? You know it's true. Your multi-tasking skills are beyond admirable. I fear you have prevented a few mishaps with your trusty timer. Only a few. But I still give credit where credit is due. So, credit given. Gold star and all that.

I'm convinced that my banana bread is your absolute favorite. Don't lie, it's okay to have favorites. I won't tell. Promise. You always do your part and make it the stuff of legends. Nothing quite compares to the aroma of banana bread baking. Somehow, it always makes me feel at home, comfortable, and cozy. I think that most can attest it is pure love. The husband definitely can. You must be a fan too. Thank you for all the warm love you give to my baked treats. Thanks for getting me through another holiday season! I think we make a great team. Looking forward to our continued culinary endeavors!

P.S. I'm getting new potholders. I know you were tiring of the old ones. Get excited!


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